Sleeping on the Edge: Peru’s Extraordinary Glass Pods in the Sky

Imagine waking up to a breathtaking view of the Peruvian Andes, with nothing but clear glass between you and the vast expanse of the Sacred Valley below. This isn’t a dream—it’s the reality for guests at the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a truly extraordinary hotel experience.

Nestled high in the mountains near Cusco, these remarkable glass pods cling to the cliff face, offering brave travellers a night they’ll never forget. But getting there is half the adventure!

The Climb of Your Life

To reach their lofty beds, guests must embrace their inner mountaineer. There are two heart-pumping options to choose from. The truly daring can scale via ferrata—a protected climbing route—that stretches 400 metres up the sheer rock face. For those who prefer a mix of hiking and high-flying thrills, there’s a trail featuring an exhilarating network of ziplines.

Ario Ferri, the mastermind behind Skylodge, drew inspiration from the portaledges used by rock climbers for overnight stays on mountain faces. His vision? To give everyone a taste of that mountaintop magic, whether seasoned climbers or adventure-seeking newcomers.

A Room with a View (and Then Some)

After the adrenaline-pumping ascent, guests are rewarded with accommodations unlike any other. Each of the four transparent capsules measures a cosy 24 feet long by 8 feet high, crafted from aerospace aluminium and weather-resistant polycarbonate. Inside, you’ll find comfortable beds, a dining area, and even a private bathroom—all with panoramic views of the wild valley below.

As night falls, the real show begins. The clear night sky transforms into a glittering canvas, with the Milky Way stretching out above. It’s a stargazer’s paradise, right from the comfort of your bed!

Dining in the Sky

But the thrills don’t stop at bedtime. The Skylodge experience includes gourmet meals served in a special dining pod. Here, skilled guides double as chefs, whipping up locally-inspired dishes that rival the best restaurants in Cusco. Imagine savouring pumpkin soup and quinoa dishes, paired with Peruvian Malbec wine—all while dangling 1,200 feet above the Sacred Valley!

Natalia Rodriguez, manager of Skylodge and Ferri’s wife, explains that their goal is to offer “a unique experience that reconnects guests with nature and makes them realise what luxury can truly be.” It’s clear they’ve succeeded. Visitors rave about the unforgettable adventure, from the heart-pounding climb to the serene mornings spent watching the sun rise over the Andes.

For those who’ve taken the plunge, the Skylodge Adventure Suites offer more than just a place to sleep. It’s a perfect blend of adrenaline, natural beauty, and once-in-a-lifetime memories. As you zip-line back down to earth the next morning, you’ll carry with you the extraordinary experience of having slept among the stars, high above one of the world’s most mystical valleys.

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