Jordan Romero: The Youngest Person to Climb Mount Everest

Surrounded by the mountainous wonders of Big Bear Lake, California, the passion for climbing started at an early age for Jordan Romero. From the San Bernardino Mountains alone, his adventurous flare was already ablaze. Inspired by his parents, who were also climbers, Jordan had his heart set on climbing the Seven Summits – the highest mountains of the seven continents. 

Before Mount Everest, he had already conquered Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa at the mere age of nine. At ten, he sumitted Mount Elbrus in Europe and Mount Aconcagua in South America. There was no doubt that his physical prowess and unshakeable willpower would lead him to the greatest challenge yet – Mount Everest. 

To prepare for the great ascent, Romero was no stranger to the intensive training for high-altitude hikes, strength practices, and cardiovascular workouts. In fact, part of his training was climbing other peaks, such as the 26,906-feet peak of  Mount Cho Oyu in Tibet. And in May 2010, he embarked on the most epic journey to the summit of Mount Everest. 

From the very beginning, Romero faced unbelievable challenges. There were severe weather conditions, perilous terrains, and the inevitable altitude sickness. But nothing could have ever stopped the young boy from being focused and determined. Just as he was reaching greater heights, his excitement also grew stronger. 

Finally, on May 22, 2010, at 9:45 AM, Romero reached the highest summit of Mount Everest. He culminated his victory by unfurling a banner with the names of his beloved family and supporters who sustained him every step of the way. From that day on, his life was changed forever, just how he has changed the lives of others.

“I was 13 years old, I had summited Mt Everest. It took 51 days to climb.”

It was not his victory alone because the whole world celebrated with Romero after the momentous event. Not only was he able to conquer the highest point of Mount Everest, but he also rose above the controversies that he was too young to pursue his climbing dreams. He said that the negative energy even pushed him to prove other people wrong. It only marked the beginning for Romero because at 15, he embarked on another climb to the summit of Antarctica’s Mount Vinson.

After all of his hard work, Romero revealed that Mount Everest was the highlight of his journey to the Seven Summits. For him, there was a magical feeling of being on top of the world with his family. 

Indeed, he continues to fulfill his legacy by inspiring young people to be goal-driven and to live a healthy lifestyle. After his success, he was able to go on the B.I.G. Tour, speaking to different schools and companies to share his experiences and encourage people. 

Years later, Jordan Romero wrote a book about his experiences entitled “No Summit Out of Sight: The True Story of the Youngest Person to Climb the Seven Summits.” He detailed his life as a young climber and how he faced the challenges along the way. Up to this day, Jordan Romero holds the record as the youngest person to reach the summit of Mount Everest. 

His incredible feat to Mount Everest is truly a testament that the power of ambition transcends even the highest mountains.